Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing

Letter from the New Editor

I'm very pleased to have been appointed to be the new Editor of the AIEDAM journal: only the third in its 15 years of existence.

My involvement with AIEDAM started early in the life of the journal, due to my professional interactions with Professor Clive Dym, its first Editor. Clive put the journal on a very sound footing, and set the high standards that the journal continues to uphold. That it has maintained such a high reputation in the fields that it covers is due to Professor William Birmingham, the second Editor.

My goal is to continue with the policies developed by these two prior Editors, while striving to raise the journal's standards, reputation and visibility even further.

To do this I have already started to expand the Editorial Board to include a wider variety of the most active scholars in the field. This will eventually allow the reviewing team for every submitted manuscript to include one Board member, which should have a positive impact on the quality and consistency of reviews.

I also hope to develop the reviewing process to provide more feedback to the authors, and to allow all the reviewers to see all the reviews (i.e., more feedback for the reviewers too). Both actions should help raise quality.

I will continue with the tradition of encouraging guest editors to produce special issues about suitable topics. I feel that the special issues have been one of the strengths of the journal, fostered by its continued relationships with workshop coordinators from several different organizations and conferences. I'd like to continue and nurture those relationships.

I will continue the difficult, but important, process (started by Bill Birmingham) of trying to reduce the time between submission and publication by strongly encouraging electronic submission, reviewing and communication.

The Editor's Web Page ( provides the latest information about the journal, and augments the publisher's web pages (which can be reached from there). My pages are still being worked on as I learn more about how to be an Editor, but I hope that they already provide useful information. They should, as they are heavily based on what Bill Birmingham developed.

I publically thank the past Editors, the Associate Editors, the Editorial Board members both new and old, all the Reviewers, and the dedicated personnel at Cambridge University Press, in advance, for their service and cooperation.

I realize that some of my goals might perhaps be too ambitious. However, with everyone's help, I'll give it my "best shot". If you have comments, questions or submissions, I can be reached via email at <> --- especially for submissions!

David C. Brown
Worcester, MA
5th September 2001

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