RATIONALE "Brown, DSPL/AIR-CYL" D. C. Brown & B. Chandrasekaran, Design Problem Solving: Knowledge Structures and Control Strategies. Research Notes in Artificial Intelligence Series, Pitman Publishing, Ltd., London, England. DSPL is a language for writing down the knowledge needed to do routine design by "hierarchically guided refinement". AIR-CYL is a mechanical design system built using DSPL. Decomposition and refinement is done in this work by selecting and executing plans at each level on the way down. DSPL makes a very strong committment to separately describing each type of knowledge, such as what's needed to select plans, to identify known types of constraint failures, to do redesign, or to make a decision about a single parameter. The types of knowledge were detected by studying a human designer. The issues that this work raises are concerned with routineness, types of knowledge, whether the task is parametric or configuration design, and the role of plans in designing.