
Definition. A max(min)-heap is a complete binary tree in which the value stored at any node is greater (smaller) than the values stored at any of its children.



  1. Because a heap is a complete binary tree, it will almost always implemented as an array.
  2. Due to the partial order property of a max(min)-tree the value stored at the root will always contain the maximum (minimum) of all values in the heap.
  3. In the followings we will only consider max-heaps which we shall simply call heaps.

Building a heap

  1. Inserting elements one at a time - must maintain the heap properties
  2. cost: q(n lgn)
  3. Heapifying an array containing the values to be stored in the heap
  4. approach starting from the deepest level, sift the root of a subtree down to its position
  5. Cost: q(n)

Example. Build a heap from:

2, 3, 1, 10, 9, 7, 8, 4, 6, 5


The heap ADT

Type: a set of heaps



C++ class for a heap

class heap {


Element* Heap;

int max_size;

int curr_size;

int is_leaf(int);

int parent(int);

int left_child(int);

int right_child(int);

void sift_down(int );

void build_heap();



heap(Element*, int, int);


int heap_size();

void insert(Element);

Element remove_max();



int heap::is_leaf(int n){

return (curr_size/2 <= n) &&

(n < curr_size);



int heap::parent(int n){

if ((0 < n) && (n < curr_size))

return (n - 1)/2;


return OUT_OF_RANGE;



int heap::left_child(int n){

if (2*n+1 < curr_size)

return 2*n+1;


return OUT_OF_RANGE;



int heap::right_child(int n){

if (2*n+2 < curr_size)

return 2*n+2;


return OUT_OF_RANGE;



void heap::sift_down(int n){

while (!is_leaf(n)){

Element temp; int i, left, right;

left = left_child(n);

if ((right = right_child(n)) !=


if (Heap[left]>Heap[right]

i = left;


i = right;


i = left;

if (Heap[n] > Heap[i])



temp = Heap[n];

Heap[n] = Heap[i];

Heap[i] = temp;

n = i;




void heap::build_heap(){

for (int i = curr_size/2-1 ; i >= 0 ; i--)




heap::heap(int size){

Heap = new Element[size];

max_size = size;

curr_size = 0;



heap::heap(Element* array,

int m_size, int c_size){

Heap = array;

max_size = m_size;

curr_size = c_size;






delete []Heap;



int heap::heap_size(){

return curr_size;



void heap::insert(Element v){

Element temp;

Heap[curr_size] = v;

for (int i = curr_size ; (i > 0) &&

(Heap[i] > Heap[parent(i)]) ;

i = parent(i)){

temp = Heap[i];

Heap[i] = Heap[parent(i)];

Heap[parent(i)] = temp;






Element heap::remove_max(){

Element temp;

if (curr_size > 0){


temp = Heap[0];

Heap[0] = Heap[curr_size];

Heap[curr_size] = temp;





return OUT_OF_RANGE;



Priority Queues


General Trees

Definition. A tree T is a non-empty set of nodes. There is a designated node called the root and the other nodes are partitioned into disjoint subsets, which are also trees and the roots of which are children of the root.


Tree traversals

General tree ADT

Type: a set of general trees



Tree Implementations

  1. Parent pointer implementation
  2. store for each node the value and a pointer to its parent
  3. useful for operations such as finding a common ancestor of two nodes
  1. List of children
  2. stores with each node a linked list of children
  3. it is usually implemented by storing nodes in an array
  4. each node contains the value, a pointer to its parent and a pointer to the list of its children
  1. Left child/right sibling
  2. each node stores a value, a pointer to its parent, a pointer to its leftmost child and a pointer to its right sibling
  1. Dynamic node
  2. extends the linked implementation to trees
  1. Dynamic left child/right sibling
  2. substitutes a binary tree for a general tree
  1. Sequential implementations
  2. store the values as they would be implemented by a tree traversal method, plus sufficient information to describe the shap
