that's it?
The leftmost picture displays surface contours at specific values (isosurfaces). The middle picture cuts the space into three distinct planes and then provides a color ramp based on the value in the (x,z) position of the plane. The rightmost picture provides a line contour of values in three horizontal planes of the space. |
// Sample quadric function quadric = new vtkQuadric; quadric->SetCoefficients(1,2,3,0,1,0,0,0,0,0); sample = new vtkSampleFunction; sample->SetSampleDimensions(40,40,40); sample->SetImplicitFunction(quadric); // Generate implicit surface contour = new vtkContourFilter; contour->SetInput(sample->GetOutput()); range[0] = 1.0; range[1] = 6.0; contour->GenerateValues(3,range); // Map contour contourMapper = new vtkPolyMapper; contourMapper->SetInput(contour->GetOutput()); contourMapper->SetScalarRange(0,7); contourActor = new vtkActor; contourActor->SetMapper(contourMapper); |
Color mapping is a scalar visualization technique that maps scalar
data to colors. Below are four different mappings of scalar data to colors.
The data corresponds to gas density as fluid flows through a combustion
chamber. The code to the right is common throughout the four examples. Each of the examples varies only in the lookup table assignments. |
plane = new vtkStructuredGridGeometryFilter; plane->SetInput(datafile); plane->SetExtent(1,100,1,100,7,7); lut = new vtkLookupTable; planeMapper = new vtkPolyMapper; planeMapper->SetLookupTable(lut); planeMapper->SetInput(plane->GetOutput()); planeMapper->SetScalarRange(0.197813, 0.710419); planeActor = new vtkActor; planeActor->SetMapper(planeMapper); |
![]() |
Greyscale tables usually provide better
structural details.
lut->SetHueRange(0,0); lut->SetSaturationRange(0,0); lut->SetValueRange(0.2,1.0); |
Rainbow - blue to red.
// Since the default lut is // a rainbow lut, we only have // to worry about the hue range. lut->SetHueRange(0.667,0.0); |
![]() |
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Rainbow - red to blue.
// Since the default lut is // a rainbow lut, we only have // to worry about the hue range. lut->SetHueRange(0.0,0.667); |
This example uses a lookup table
specially designed to enhance
contrasting values.
lut->SetNumberOfColors(64); lut->Build(); for(i=0;i<16;i++) { lut->SetTableValue(i*16,red); lut->SetTableValue(i*16+1,green); lut->SetTableValue(i*16+2,blue); lut->SetTableValue(i*16+3,black); } lut->SetTableValue(0,coral); lut->SetTableValue(1,black); lut->SetTableValue(2,peacock); lut->SetTableValue(3,black); lut->SetTableValue(4,orchid); lut->SetTableValue(5,black); lut->SetTableValue(6,cyan); lut->SetTableValue(7,black); lut->SetTableValue(8,mint); lut->SetTableValue(9,black); lut->SetTableValue(10,tomato); lut->SetTableValue(11,black); lut->SetTableValue(12,sea_green); lut->SetTableValue(13,black); lut->SetTableValue(14,plum); lut->SetTableValue(15,black); |
![]() |
The premise of any contour is the following: fix a dependent value at some constant c, and then draw the resulting line, surface, or region only at that value. Also called "iso-surfacing", this is easily implemented using a Marching Cubes algorithm.
The 2-dimensional contour lines of CT density values corresponding
to different tissue types.
// Read in the data. v16 = new vtkVolume16Reader; v16->SetDataDimensions(128,128); v16->GetOutput()->SetOrigin(0.0,0.0,0.0); v16->SetFilePrefix("../../data/headsq/half"); v16->SetImageRange(45,45); v16->SetDataAspectRatio(1.6,1.6,1.5); // Set up a contour filter. iso = new vtkContourFilter; iso->SetInput(v16->GetOutput()); iso->GenerateValues(12,500,1150); // Map the contour output to polygons // and create the actor! isoMapper = new vtkPolyMapper; isoMapper->SetInput(iso->GetOutput()); isoActor = new vtkActor; isoActor->SetMapper(isoMapper); isoActor->GetProperty()->SetColor(black); |
![]() |
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A three dimensional isosurface of another CT.
// Read in the data. v16 = new vtkVolume16Reader; v16->SetDataDimensions(128,128); v16->GetOutput()->SetOrigin(0.0,0.0,0.0); v16->SetFilePrefix("../../data/headsq/half"); v16->SetImageRange(1,93); v16->SetDataAspectRatio(1.6,1.6,1.5); // Notice the constant iso-value, rather than // the range we used in the previous example. iso = new vtkMarchingCubes; iso->SetInput(v16->GetOutput()); iso->SetValue(0,1150); // Map to polys and create the actor. isoMapper = new vtkPolyMapper; isoMapper->SetInput(iso->GetOutput()); isoActor = new vtkActor; isoActor->SetMapper(isoMapper); isoActor->GetProperty()->SetColor(antique_white); |
An isosurface of the electron potential of
an iron protein molecule.
// Read in the data. Note the different // file format this time. reader = new vtkStructuredPointsReader; reader->SetFilename("../../data/ironProt.vtk); // Set up the contour. iso = new vtkContourFilter; iso->SetInput(reader-> GetOutput()); iso->SetValue(0,128); // Clean up duplicate points. clean = new vtkCleanPolyData; clean->SetInput(iso->GetOutput()); // Smooth any two edges if the angle // between them is less than 45 degrees. normals = new vtkPolyNormals; normals->SetInput(clean->GetOutput()); normals->SetFeatureAngle(45); // Map to polygons and make the actor! isoMapper = new vtkPolyMapper; isoMapper->SetInput(normals->GetOutput()); isoActor = new vtkActor; isoActor->SetMapper(isoMapper); isoActor->GetProperty()->SetColor(bisque); | ![]() |